4 Tanning Salon Member Retention Strategies That Work

4 Tanning Salon Member Retention Strategies That Work

The tanning season is over: the time where you notice that your tanning salon, which was once bustling with new members, has begun to revert to its previous state of mostly “the regulars.”

The springtime likely brought with it a surge of new memberships. While your regular members may be grateful they don’t have to wait for your beds or book appointments anymore, you’re possibly getting nervous about all the new members who seem to have left or might leave.

So, what can you attract new members but also keep them around? Below are some easy membership retention ideas to help you keep your members satisfied, engaged, and return for more.

Personalize the tanning experience

You are starting with your front desk with your staff. Your members have done the hard part of committing — they’ve decided to come to your tanning salon or day spa. Your job is to make sure they don’t just walk right back out the door. 

Ensure your front desk staff is ready to greet members and potential members with a smile and a friendly greeting when they come in, and if they can learn members’ names, even better! By creating a welcoming and familiar atmosphere, you let your members know that you care about them and are invested in helping them achieve their goals.

Reach out at the right time

In tanning salon marketing, your timing is everything — especially when it comes to member retention.

Personalize your tanning salon and utilize member data to reach out to them at the right time. Collecting data for check-ins, purchases, goals, and milestones can help you hone when members might require a little extra encouragement.

Has your staff noticed that a specific member hasn’t been coming to the tanning salon lately? Send them a friendly email or text encouraging them to get back in the groove — you might catch them at the right time or possibly if they are thinking of canceling. 

On the other hand, take notes of when a member seems to be more committed than ever. Also, if a member shows up more than usual, take advantage of that increased interest and upsell something else that can help them. Ask if they’d like to sign up for an upgraded package or additional service that might appeal to them, and remind them about your referral program.

Create a loyalty program

A great but simple loyalty program can be a great thing! Make sure you’re keeping a loyalty program that helps your member get more invested that keep them engaged, such as ISA, Bonus Bucks, or additional promotional events, contents, offering giveaways and free products.

Use a loyalty program where members can 

Reward members for certain milestones based on their number of annual check-ins, most tans in a year, etc. Those who achieve a certain threshold that you set might receive recognition and a tanning package offering them an extra incentive to hold them more accountable.

Listen to your members

The best and easiest way to find out what members want out of your tanning salon is to ask. Use a traditional paper survey or a sophisticated digital survey on your website or sent via email to provide insight into the areas you need to improve.

It could be that your tanning salon additional services or more equipment, or could be the music is loud, or that you don’t offer certain appointments for times that accommodate your member’s variety of schedules.

Use the survey several times throughout the year to ensure that you continue to provide the best experience and services. Follow up personally with those who give you feedback, and let them know you appreciate it, and are working to address their concerns or feedback.


A crucial part of your tanning salon is your members, which make your tanning salon what it is. The community you build is what takes your tanning salon from somewhere your members, somewhere they enjoy going.

By showing your members that you care, are interested in their well-being, and always looking to improve for them, you’ll build solid relationships with your members. 

Want to learn more about which member retention strategies will work best for your tanning salon? Contact us today!

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