Simple Loyalty Program For Your Tanning Salon

Simple Loyalty Program For Your Tanning Salon It is excellent to drive new sales and obtain customers, but a critical piece of business for your tanning salon is to retain customers. An easy way to maintain members for longer is to create a simple loyalty program for your tanning salon.  One of the easiest ways […]

Benefits of Credit Card Updater for Tanning Salons

Top 2 Benefits of Credit Card Updater for Tanning Salons If you are like most tanning salons running drafts every month, you probably have a good amount of payment declines. On average most tanning salons will have 10-20% in declined credit cards. One way to help your staff and customers alike is to implement a […]

Why Your Tanning Salon Should Sell Online: 5 Benefits Of Selling Online

Why Your Tanning Salon Should Sell Online: 5 Benefits Of Selling Online As a tanning salon owner, you oversee all your business operations and distribute your products or services to customers. However, suppose you want to find ways to increase your sales faster, obtain new members, reduce your business operating costs, and increase profit margins […]

Benefits Of Setting Up Automatic Billing For Your Tanning Salon

Benefits Of Setting Up Automatic Billing For EFT’s and Features Your Tanning Salon Should Consider  Are you tired of chasing down your salon members for overdue EFT membership payments? Automating your tanning salon collection process for your drafts each month can be a daunting task for some tan salon owners. As a business owner, it […]

#1 Best Way To Automatically Collect More EFT’s!

#1 Best Way To Automatically Collect More EFT’s! One of the most time-consuming tasks is to chase down failed payments if you are collecting recurring payments. Not to mention, when a member comes in to utilize their service and surprisingly owes money.  Start automating and streamlining your tanning salon to help cut down on operational […]

Your tanning salon should be upgrading current members

Is Your Tanning Salon Upgrading Current Members?  As a tanning salon owner in peak season, it is imperative to collect and sign up as many memberships as possible to increase cash flow before the season comes to a close because we all know that members will eventually cancel. It is excellent to acquire new customers; […]

Top 3 Benefits Tanning Salon Memberships Can Offer

3 Benefits Of Offering Memberships At Your Tanning Salon If your tanning salon does not have an EFT membership program, your salon will miss out on predictable cash flow and more profitability. There is a ton of value in offering membership plans to your customers versus selling single sessions and packages.  Memberships offer more value […]