Simple Loyalty Program For Your Tanning Salon
It is excellent to drive new sales and obtain customers, but a critical piece of business for your tanning salon is to retain customers. An easy way to maintain members for longer is to create a simple loyalty program for your tanning salon.
One of the easiest ways to create a loyalty program within your tanning salon software is to offer certain amounts of money for specific actions taken place by your customers. Keep your loyalty program simple by providing simple based in-store account money that is easy to understand.
Utilize your ISA (InStore Account) money option in your tanning salon software to help create an understandable loyalty program to promote to your members.
Here is a simple example of a loyalty program for your tanning salon:
$10 – Sign Up For A Membership
$10 – Refer A Friend That Signs Up
$5 – Birthday
$5 – Review Us On Google
$3 – Follow Us On Instagram
$3 – FaceBook Share
$3 – FaceBook Like
Creating a simple loyalty program for your tanning salon can help generate more revenue and act as a marketing tool to help promote your business’s services and products. If your salon is set up with tanning salon software, you should take advantage of creating a simple loyalty program based on money rewards with ISA.
Implement a simple money reward-based loyalty program today to drive more sales, increase customer retention, and quickly promote your brand marketing!
Schedule a FREE Demo of Tan-Link Software today to help your tanning salon automate and streamline your marketing!
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