Easily Collect Tips At Your Tanning Salon

How can enabling tips help my tanning salon?

Enabling tips at your tanning salon can aid with both employee retention and customer satisfaction. Tips also provide an incentive for staff to provide exceptional customer service that can result in unlimited earning potential.

Employee retention can be improved by giving your staff an additional incentive to make more money, thus, increasing their work production directly correlating to their earnings. As a by-product of allowing tips, your team will work to improve the customer experience and overall customer satisfaction.

Here are some ways to enable tips for credit card transactions on your Tan-Link site:
Tips are allowed on all CC transactions
Tips can be disallowed completely.
Tips can be limited to EFT members only.
Tips can be limited to certain packages.
Tips can be limited to certain staff members.


Schedule a demo of Tan-Link Software today to help your Tanning Salon increase employee retention and boost your staff’s wages.

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